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sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012


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Mobile Marketing by the Numbers: Too Big to Ignore

20 Oct 2012 13:41:02 Z
So you’re a mobile marketer and you know the mobile opportunity is big .  Really big.  But maybe you’re running into doubters or just executives who want some numbers to support the strategic bet you’re asking them to make.  You and I know mobile marketing must be an extension of your company’s overall digital marketing strategy.  What that mobile strategy needs to be depends entirely on the product or service you sell.  Mobile marketing techniques that work for the seller of coffee, or fast food, will by definition differ greatly from, say, Subaru dealers.  
But when dealing with doubters or the uninitiated, especially when we’re talking about something as challenging as mobile marketing, giving them a sense of the scale of the mobile opportunity and the velocity of the change in directly related areas — mobile advertising and m-commerce, for example — can help frame the discussion. The following links can give you some of the data points to help frame that discussion. 
Here are some numbers that should help in those situations where somebody wants a bit more quantification than your intuition that “it’s big.”


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